Deseasonalisation in landlocked areas

Deseasonalisation in non-coastal areas in Spain during the summer is a challenge, but also a great opportunity. On this occasion, it would be possible to diversify the tourist offer and attract visitors all year round, not just at certain times of the year. There are different types of tourism for the deseasonalisation of those areas such as rural and nature tourism, cultural and heritage tourism.


Strategies of deseasonalisation that some tourist destinations implement:

Rural and Nature Tourism

Hoteliers can promote hiking trails and visits to natural parks which are essential to enjoy Spanish ecotourism. Guests will explore breathtaking landscapes while participating in activities where they will connect with nature in a unique and special way.


Cultural and Heritage Tourism

A perfect option that attracts visitors from far and wide are the music, theatre, dance and gastronomy festivals. In addition to these festivals, you can explore unique routes that highlight the rich historical and architectural heritage of wherever you are.


Sports and outdoor activities

Competitive sporting events and marathons can become a major tourist attraction, creating a vibrant and active atmosphere. Adventure sports provide adrenaline and excitement, but also allow you to enjoy breathtaking scenery and nature in its purest form.


Gastronomy and Wine Tourism

Gastronomic tours will take guests on a culinary journey, where visitors will taste authentic local produce. Another great option is winery visits and wine tastings where they will be immersed in the fascinating world of wine.


Wellness and Health Tourism

Visitors can enjoy spas and spas that offer unique wellness and health treatments and immerse themselves in a rejuvenating experience. This type of tourism is designed to balance physical and mental wellbeing, providing a space to disconnect and revitalise.


Cities such as Madrid and Seville are the pioneers of deseasonalisation, offering unique experiences that invite you to discover these places. These cities demonstrate that with a diverse and attractive offer it is possible to enjoy tourism at any time of the year.

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